
Terminating an unplanned pregnancy is a significant decision. Not only does it come with a myriad of complex emotions, but it can also impact the long-term physical and psychological well-being of an individual. Therefore, if you or one of your loved ones are considering an abortion in Singapore, choosing the right clinic is pivotal. An abortion, when performed by a qualified and licensed gynaecologist, poses minimal risks to the health and well-being of a patient. Read on to learn more about how to find the right abortion clinic and what regulations govern surgical and medical abortions in Singapore. 

Understanding Abortion in Singapore

A comprehensive legal framework regulates abortion in Singapore. This ensures that the procedure is carried out by registered practitioners under the purview of the Ministry of Health. Here is a brief overview of some of the key legal aspects and regulations governing abortion in Singapore:

Legal Framework

  • Termination of Pregnancy Act

The primary legislation governing abortion in Singapore is the Termination of Pregnancy Act. This act legalises abortion under certain conditions and outlines the requirements for obtaining the procedure.

  • Eligibility criteria

Women who are Singapore citizens, permanent residents, or who have lived in Singapore for at least four months are legally able to have abortions.

Regulations and Requirements

  • Gestational period

A registered practitioner in Singapore can perform abortions up to 24 weeks into pregnancy. Beyond this period, abortions are only allowed if the mother’s life is at risk or if the foetus has severe abnormalities. Furthermore, an abortion can only be performed with the full consent of the pregnant woman.

  • Mandatory counselling

In Singapore, an accredited counsellor must provide mandatory pre-abortion counselling to all women seeking a surgical or medical abortion, regardless of their marital status. Counselling ensures that the woman is fully informed about the procedure, its risks, and alternatives.

  • Waiting period

There is a mandatory 48-hour waiting period after the counselling session before performing the abortion. This allows time for the patient to process her emotions and consider her decision thoroughly.

  • Accredited clinics and qualified practitioners

In Singapore, the Ministry of Health permits qualified and licensed medical practitioners at government hospitals, private hospitals, or specialised clinics to perform abortions.

  • Underaged patients (below 16 years)

All underage patients seeking an abortion at any registered clinic must first be referred to the Health Promotion Board Counselling Centre for pre-abortion counselling. Upon successful completion of the counselling session(s), the centre will issue a Certificate of Attendance (COA), which must be presented at the clinic before pregnancy termination can be considered. Generally, the consent of the parents or the legal guardian is required to carry out the procedure.

two women talking, abortion clinic singapore

Finding a Trusted Clinic: Key Considerations

Professionalism and Expertise

Check whether the clinic you have chosen for your surgical or medical abortion in Singapore is MOH-accredited. All registered abortion clinics adhere to strict medical standards and ensure professionalism when dealing with patients. They are non-judgmental, respectful, and patient-centric; they provide comprehensive care at their facilities, including pre-and-post-abortion counselling. Furthermore, gynaecologists with years of expertise in reproductive health lead these clinics, ensuring the use of approved treatment methods and confidentiality in all abortion procedures. Therefore, when you visit a clinic, pay attention to the staff’s professionalism and request information on their expertise. If they lack clear communication or you feel unsupported or coerced, consider these red flags.

Comprehensive Services

Always look for a comprehensive service provider. A trusted abortion clinic will offer a wide range of comprehensive services to ensure that patients receive quality and standard care throughout the entire process. These services cover all aspects of the procedure, from the initial consultation to the post-abortion follow-up, addressing both medical and emotional needs.

Positive Testimonials and Reviews

Positive testimonials and reviews provide insight into patient experiences such as staff friendliness, facility cleanliness, and care received. For individuals seeking abortion services, testimonials can be a critical factor in their decision-making process. Furthermore, word-of-mouth referrals from family and friends, or recommendations from your family doctor, can help you find a reliable abortion clinic in Singapore. Online reviews could also provide additional information on reliable abortion clinics in Singapore, costs, and support services offered.

Privacy and Confidentiality

Always look for a MOH-registered abortion clinic that employs strict policies to safeguard patient information, including discreet entryways, confidential consultations, and secure record-keeping systems. This not only ensures privacy and confidentiality but also enables patients to access abortion care without the fear of judgement. 


Transparency is a cornerstone of ethical and effective healthcare, especially with sensitive services such as abortion. Clear communication, transparent pricing, and access to information on the qualifications and expertise of the staff, as well as their policies, are all critical elements in finding a trusted abortion clinic in Singapore.

Seng’s OG Practice for Surgical and Medical Abortions in Singapore

By prioritising factors such as legality, safety, confidentiality, and quality of care, individuals can find a trusted abortion clinic that meets their needs. Seng’s OG Practice always takes a patient-centric approach to abortion care. Our compassionate staff and well-equipped clinic enable us to cater to different patient needs. From the initial consultation and screening to post-abortion and contraception consultations, we provide a range of reproductive healthcare services to ensure you receive the care that you deserve. To book your consultation, please contact us at (65) 6472 7988 or fill up the contact form.


Facing an unwanted pregnancy and considering abortion can bring about a whirlwind of emotions, from fear and uncertainty to sadness and guilt. For some, the decision may feel clear-cut, while for others, it may be full of complexity and conflicting sentiments. This is why it is important to make an informed decision in consultation with a reliable abortion clinic in Singapore. 

Abortion clinics play a crucial role in providing essential services, support, and confidentiality to individuals facing unwanted pregnancies in Singapore. Understanding the significance of these clinics and the range of services they offer is critical for anyone seeking reproductive health care, especially in the context of termination of pregnancy in Singapore. Read on to find out more about abortion clinics, the services they provide, and why they are important in the reproductive healthcare landscape.

What is an Abortion Clinic?

Abortion clinics are specialised medical facilities dedicated to providing a range of reproductive healthcare services, with a primary focus on offering safe and legal abortions. Healthcare professionals trained in reproductive medicine, staff these clinics, ensuring that patients receive quality professional care.

The Importance of Specialised Clinics for Reproductive Healthcare

Under the Termination of Pregnancy Act in Singapore, an abortion procedure can only be carried out by an authorised gynaecologist at an MOH-approved abortion clinic. These specialised abortion clinics provide a regulated environment for anyone seeking a termination of pregnancy in Singapore.  They ensure that the procedures are conducted by qualified medical practitioners adhering to approved medical protocols. Additionally, these clinics offer a range of support services,  tailored to meet the unique needs of each patient, as listed below.

Services and Care Offered


A Medical history assessment for potential risks and contraindications, comprehensive physical examination to detect any underlying health conditions, and ultrasound scans to confirm the pregnancy and determine the gestational age are some of the health screenings that will be carried out by a qualified gynaecologist at the initial consultation. Most clinics are also equipped with laboratory facilities to carry out further testing as required. 

Pre- and Post-abortion Counselling

Pre-abortion counselling is a mandatory requirement in Singapore. All registered abortion clinics offer counselling services to help patients navigate their options, address any concerns or questions they may have, and provide emotional support throughout the decision-making process and beyond. After pre abortion counselling there is a mandatory 48hr cooling off period, the patients can then decide whether they want to proceed or not proceed with the abortion.

Medical and Surgical Abortions

Abortion clinics provide both medical (medication-induced) and surgical abortion procedures. Both procedures are carried out by registered and qualified medical practitioners.

A medical abortion is a non-surgical procedure that uses medication to end a pregnancy. It does not require anaesthesia or surgery and is considered a first line option for terminating an unwanted pregnancy in Singapore. One can perform a medical abortion within the first nine weeks of gestation.

Surgical abortion is another procedure commonly used for the termination of pregnancy in Singapore. This method involves the use of approved medical instruments to end an unwanted pregnancy. The specific procedure involved will vary depending on the gestational age of the pregnancy. For pregnancies between 9 and 12 weeks, the suction and aspiration (vacuum aspiration) method is used, while for pregnancies exceeding 12 weeks, a combination of medical and surgical approaches may be used.

Contraception Counselling

These reproductive clinics also provide information about various contraceptive methods as well as provide access to contraception to prevent future unintended pregnancies.

STI Testing and Treatment

Many abortion clinics provide screening, testing, and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), promoting sexual health and well-being. Check with your chosen clinic to see if they offer this service.

doctor's hands with gloves, singapore abortion clinic

Supportive Care

Abortion clinics strive to create a supportive and non-judgmental environment where patients feel comfortable discussing their reproductive health needs. The qualified staff at these centres ensures that patients receive compassionate support and guidance throughout this challenging period.

Confidentiality and Privacy

Confidentiality and privacy are paramount at abortion clinics, especially in the context of sensitive issues like unwanted pregnancy and the termination of pregnancy in Singapore. This commitment to confidentiality creates a safe environment for the patient, away from the prying eyes of the public.


All registered abortion clinics conform to medical regulations and display professionalism in their provision of care. From the initial consultation to post-procedure follow-up, patients can expect to receive respectful, compassionate medical care from qualified healthcare professionals who prioritise their well-being above all else.

Comprehensive Abortion Care at Seng’s OG Practice

From providing comprehensive reproductive healthcare services to upholding confidentiality and privacy, our staff at Seng’s OG Practice is committed to ensuring you receive quality pre-and post-abortion care within the confines of our clinic. If you are going through an unwanted pregnancy in Singapore and would like to consult with a qualified gynaecologist, contact us today to  book your appointment with Dr Seng. 

View Synonyms and Definitions


The decision to have an abortion is a deeply personal one, and the experience can be both emotionally and physically demanding. While the abortion procedure itself is safe and effective, it is also important to prioritise both physical recovery and emotional well-being in the following days and weeks . Read on to understand what an abortion entails, why post-abortion care is crucial for a successful recovery, and how a Singapore abortion clinic can assist with the process.

Understanding the Procedure

Abortion is a medical procedure that ends a pregnancy before a foetus reaches 24 weeks of gestation (before the foetus reaches a stage of viability). There are two main types of abortion methods: medical abortion and surgical abortion.

Medical abortion involves taking medication to terminate the pregnancy. It is one of the safest methods available to end a pregnancy up to 9 weeks of gestation. This can be done as soon as pregnancy is detected and under the medical advice and supervision of a qualified gynaecologist at a Singapore abortion centre.

Surgical abortion involves a minor procedure called suction and aspiration (vacuum aspiration) and is performed by a registered healthcare provider. However, this method is only recommended for pregnancies between 9 and 12 weeks in gestation. A specialist will recommend a combination of medical and surgical methods if the pregnancy is 12 weeks or more.

Both are performed as day procedures and generally do not require hospitalisation when performed during the first trimester. In the rare instance where a medical practitioner deems it necessary to monitor a patient closely, the patient will be required to stay overnight at a Singapore abortion clinic. However, if the gestation period has exceeded 12 weeks, the procedure may be more complicated and will necessitate prolonged hospitalisation.

Importance of Post-Abortion Care

Regardless of the type, post-abortion care is crucial for ensuring the physical and emotional health of the patient. Medical practitioners recommend a 5-step abortion care plan for the optimal benefit of the patients.

    1. Monitoring for any physical complications: This includes checking for excessive bleeding, infection, or signs of an incomplete abortion.
    2. Offering emotional support and counselling: Pre- and post-counselling sessions are mandatory steps for an abortion in Singapore . All MOH-registered Singapore abortion clinics have access to qualified and registered counsellors, and all patients will be referred to a counsellor before they undergo an abortion procedure. This helps individuals process their feelings of guilt and desolation and cope with any emotional challenges that may arise. If the patient under consideration is unmarried or below the age of 16, they must be referred for counselling at the Health Promotion Board Counselling Centre.
    3. Addressing specific contraceptive needs: This may include providing birth control options, discussing future reproductive plans, or offering referrals for additional resources.
    4. Providing other reproductive health services: This may include STD (sexually transmitted diseases) screening and gynaecological cancer screening.
  • Providing access to community support groups

Physical Recovery After an Abortion

The physical recovery process after an abortion varies from person to person. Some of the common symptoms experienced by patients after a Singapore abortion are:

Bleeding and cramping: You may experience bleeding and cramping similar to a menstrual period. This typically lasts for a few days to a week. However if you experience excessive bleeding, which is continuous and heavy bleeding that soaks 2 or more maxi-size pads in an hour, rush yourself to the emergency room for immediate care. 

Breast tenderness: Hormonal changes may make your breasts feel swollen and tender.

Fatigue: It is normal to feel tired after an abortion. Take it easy and allow your body time to rest.

Managing Physical Symptoms

There are several things you can do to manage your physical symptoms and promote healing:

Rest: Get plenty of rest in the days following your abortion. Avoid strenuous activity and heavy lifting.

Diet: Eat a healthy diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. This will help your body recover and replenish nutrients.

Hydration: Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.

Pain management: Over-the-counter pain relievers can help manage discomfort and cramping. Speak to your healthcare provider about any pain management drugs they may prescribe.

Heat therapy: Applying a heating pad to your abdomen or lower back can help relieve cramps.

Follow-up appointments: Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments with your healthcare provider. This is important for monitoring your recovery and will help address any concerns.

Emotional Healing and Psychological Well-Being

The emotional impact of an abortion can vary greatly from person to person. Some of the most common emotions experienced by patients who have undergone abortion include grief, guilt, relief, anger, sadness, and confusion. It is absolutely important to allow yourself to feel your emotions and acknowledge that they are valid.

Managing Emotions

Some of the recommended methods of managing emotional responses are as follows:

Talk to someone you trust: Talking to a friend, family member, therapist, or counsellor can provide emotional support and help you process your feelings.

Join a support group: Connecting with others who have had similar experiences can be a source of comfort and help you feel less alone.

Practice self-care: Engage in activities that you find relaxing and enjoyable, such as spending time in nature, listening to music, or reading a book.

Be patient with yourself: Healing takes time. Be patient with yourself, and don’t rush the process.

Self-Care and Self-Compassion

Self-care practices are essential for both physical and emotional healing. Make sure to get enough sleep, aiming for 7-8 hours of shut-eye each night, eat a healthy diet, and engage in moderate exercise regularly. Exercise can help improve your mood and energy levels.

Other beneficial activities may include practising relaxation techniques—activities like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing can help reduce stress and anxiety—and, most importantly, make sure to avoid negative self-talk.

Holistic Post-Abortion Care at Seng’s OG Practice — Singapore Abortion Clinic

Post-abortion care is not just about physical recovery but about holistic healing. From the time of finding out about the unwanted pregnancy until the decision to abort, a patient goes through a range of spiralling emotions from moral and ethical considerations to societal stigma. When it comes to abortion, there is no right or wrong answer, and the decision should be made by the woman involved, based on her circumstances. At Seng’s OG Practice, we take a holistic and empathetic approach to patient care. We ensure that your emotions are acknowledged and that you receive comprehensive pre- and post-abortion care at our Singapore abortion clinic. Call us; our specialists are here to help.


Misinformation and misconceptions often surround the topic of abortion in Singapore. These myths often result in fear, stigma, and even discrimination against those who choose to have an abortion. While abortion is a personal decision that an individual arrives at after much consideration, dispelling these myths with accurate information and understanding is crucial for the benefit of all. Read on to gain more insights on abortion myths and facts.

What is an abortion?

Abortion is often defined as the termination of a pregnancy by the expulsion of the foetus or an embryo. It is a safe medical procedure performed by trained medical professionals at an approved abortion clinic in Singapore. There are two main types of abortion:

Medical abortion: Doctors generally perform medical abortions until 9 weeks of pregnancy using a combination of two medicines taken at 24-hour and 48-hour intervals. Patients often start the procedure at a medical clinic and complete it at home.

Surgical abortion: This involves a minor surgical procedure called suction and aspiration to terminate the pregnancy by dilating the opening to the uterus (cervix) and placing a small suction tube into the uterus. The suction tube removes the foetus and related pregnancy material from the uterus.

Both types of abortion are highly effective and safe when performed by a qualified healthcare provider at an MOH-approved abortion clinic in Singapore.

Myth #1: People use abortion as a contraceptive method.

Abortion is not a contraceptive method. It is intended to end an existing pregnancy, not prevent one. While some individuals may experience unintended pregnancies more than once, abortion is not a replacement for regular contraception. Various effective birth control methods are available to help individuals prevent unwanted pregnancies.

Myth #2: Abortion causes long-term mental health issues.

Abortion does not cause long-term mental health problems. While some individuals may experience brief feelings of sadness or grief after an abortion, these feelings typically resolve within a few weeks. The Ministry of Health Singapore mandates compulsory counselling before and after an abortion, to help patients cope with long-term mental health issues.

Myth #3: Abortion is never medically necessary.

In some cases, abortion in Singapore may be medically necessary to protect the health or life of the pregnant woman. This can include medical conditions that are contraindicated in pregnancy or severe foetal abnormalities. In these cases, continuing the pregnancy can pose significant risks to the mother’s health and well-being.

#4. Myth: Abortion is a dangerous procedure.

Modern abortion procedures are safe and effective when performed by a qualified healthcare provider. As per international research, the total number of abortion-related complications is estimated to be about 2% when carried out by a qualified medical professional.

#5. Myth: Abortion is only about choice, not health.

While the right to choose is an essential aspect of abortion access, it is important to recognise that abortion can also be a crucial healthcare decision. Pregnancy and childbirth can pose significant health risks for some individuals. Additionally, the social and economic burdens of an unwanted pregnancy can have a detrimental impact on the general well-being of the individual or family. Therefore, access to safe and legal abortion is a vital part of ensuring women’s health and reproductive justice.

Empathetic Care at Seng’s OG Practice Abortion Clinic Singapore

Access to accurate information is crucial for empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their reproductive health and well-being. At Seng’s OG Practice, our dedicated team is here to ensure every patient has access to accurate information and counselling prior to deciding on the best course of action for their pregnancy termination. Our professionals ensure the utmost confidentiality of all our patients as they navigate this challenging decision. Call us to find out how we can help you!




The decision to prevent or end a pregnancy is a deeply personal one, and there are several options available for those who find themselves in such a situation. The two most common options available are the morning-after pill and the abortion pill. While these two terms are often used interchangeably, they are not the same. They work in very different ways and have different purposes. Whether you have had unprotected sex and are looking to prevent pregnancy or understand how medical abortion in Singapore can help you, this article will give you a comprehensive idea of both.

Morning After Pill

The morning-after pill, also known as emergency contraception, is a pill taken after unprotected sex or contraceptive failure to prevent pregnancy. It contains a high dose of levonorgestrel, a synthetic hormone that can prevent ovulation, fertilisation, or the implantation of a fertilised egg in the uterus.

There are two types of morning-after pills: the levonorgestrel pill (popularly known by the brand name Plan B) and the ulipristal acetate pill (popularly known by the brand name Ella).

The levonorgestrel pill is a prescription only medication, and when taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex, it can reduce your risk of pregnancy by up to 87%. It is even more effective when taken within 12 hours of unprotected intercourse. However, it must be noted that this effectiveness decreases over time.

The ulipristal acetate pill is considered more effective than other morning pills and is  only available with a prescription. When taken within 120 hours of unprotected sex, it lowers your chances of pregnancy by 85%.

It is important to note that the morning-after pill is not a regular birth control pill. It is also not an abortion pill, and it will not terminate an existing pregnancy.

Abortion Pill

The abortion pill, which is typically used in medical abortions in Singapore, is a non-surgical option for terminating an early pregnancy (up to 9 weeks). It involves taking two medications, mifepristone, and misoprostol, that work together to end the pregnancy. Mifepristone blocks the hormone progesterone, which is needed for foetal growth, while misoprostol causes the uterus to contract and expel its contents. The abortion pill can be used up to 9 weeks into a pregnancy, but it must be prescribed by a healthcare provider and taken under medical supervision.

It is important to note that the abortion pill is not a form of emergency contraception and should not be used as such. The abortion pill is a safe and effective option for ending an early pregnancy, but it does have potential side effects such as cramping, bleeding, and nausea.

Therefore, it is always advisable to consult a certified medical practitioner, who will be able to advise you on the most suitable pregnancy termination method and the abortion clinic cost in Singapore.

Differences Between the Morning After Pill and Abortion Pill


Morning After Pill Abortion Pill
Intended for use before a pregnancy is established. Used to terminate an existing pregnancy.
Both levonorgestrel and ulipristal acetate pills require a prescription in Singapore.  Requires a prescription and must be taken under medical supervision.
Effective for a short period of time after unprotected sex (72-120 hrs). Can be used up to 9 weeks into a pregnancy.
Self-administered. Self-administered under the direction of a certified healthcare practitioner.
No follow-up visit is required. Follow up visit is required.
Minimum side effects — can cause nausea and abdominal pain. Relatively more side effects, including nausea, abdominal pain, cramping, bleeding.
Rarely can cause incomplete abortion and infection.

Which One Should You Choose?

The decision to use the morning-after pill or the abortion pill should be made in consultation with a healthcare provider. If you have had unprotected sex or contraceptive failure and do not want to become pregnant, the morning-after pill can be an effective option when taken within 72–120 hours of intercourse. If you are pregnant and wish to terminate the pregnancy, the abortion pill may be an appropriate choice.

Remember that they have different purposes and mechanisms of action and should not be used interchangeably.

Abortion Clinic Cost in Singapore

Both the morning-after pill and the abortion pill can be effective options for managing your reproductive health. As with all health procedures, it is important that you carefully weigh the pros and cons of available options before making a decision. Additionally, if you are going in for a medical abortion, the abortion clinic cost in Singapore and the potential side effects and risks should also be taken into account. All these decisions should be made in consultation with a certified and experienced healthcare provider and based on individual circumstances and preferences.

Consult Seng’s OG Practice

Anyone suspecting an unwanted pregnancy is free to access both emergency contraception and medical abortions in Singapore at a Ministry of Health-authorised clinic. While the cost of services varies depending on the clinic and the type of procedure, resources are available to help patients navigate their options and make informed decisions.

If you have had unprotected sex and are worried about an unwanted pregnancy, speak to our experienced specialists at Seng’s OG Practice. We will ensure that you receive the best advice and support and have access to safe and affordable reproductive healthcare.


Surgical abortion is a safe and effective method of terminating an unwanted pregnancy in Singapore. While the procedure is legal in Singapore, it is still a sensitive topic that can be difficult to discuss. If you or a loved one is considering surgical abortion as an option, this article will shed light on what a surgical abortion is, how it works, and what to expect before, during, and after the procedure.

What is Surgical Abortion? 

Surgical abortion is a surgical procedure that is commonly used for the termination of pregnancy in Singapore. This procedure involves using approved medical tools to remove the contents of the uterus. The type of surgical abortion procedure performed will depend on the gestational age of the pregnancy. If the pregnancy is between 9 and 12 weeks in gestation, a certified medical practitioner will use the suction and aspiration method (vacuum aspiration). However, if the pregnancy is 12 weeks or more, a combination of medical and surgical methods are used for termination of pregnancy.

Ending an Unwanted Pregnancy Through Surgical Abortion 

There are many reasons why an individual may choose to undergo a surgical abortion. The most common reason is an unwanted pregnancy. Unwanted pregnancies can occur for many reasons, such as contraceptive failure, lack of access to contraception, sexual assault, and personal circumstances. Surgical abortion provides a safe and effective way for women to terminate pregnancies that they do not wish to continue. Your abortion clinic will guide you through the following steps in preparation for the procedure.

  • Evaluation

During a consultation, the doctor will first review the patient’s medical history and perform an ultrasound exam to determine the gestational age of the pregnancy. During this visit, your vitals, including your blood pressure, temperature, pulse, weight and height will be recorded. Depending on the findings, the clinic may also request further medical investigations before deciding on the individual’s eligibility to undergo surgical abortion.

  • Counselling

All individuals seeking termination of pregnancy in Singapore are required to undergo mandatory counselling sessions. The counsellor will provide information about the procedure, the risks and benefits, and the available options. They will also discuss the patient’s emotional and mental well-being and provide support and guidance throughout the process. Surgical termination of pregnancy can only be performed 48 hours after mandatory counselling.

  • Preparation

A few hours before the procedure begins, the medical practitioner may prescribe some medication to help dilate the cervix. Just before the procedure, the patient will also be given light sedation to minimise discomfort.

What Should I Expect During the Procedure? 

The doctor may use surgical instruments, such as a vacuum aspirator, forceps, or a curette, to remove the foetus and placenta from the uterus. The procedure typically takes between 5 and 30 minutes, and the technique used depends on the stage of the pregnancy.

Vacuum Aspiration

Vacuum aspiration will generally take about 5–10 minutes to complete and your doctor will perform the following mandatory steps:

Step 1: Examine the uterus and insert a speculum into the vagina.

Step 2: Insert dilators to open the cervix.

Step 3: Insert the tube through the cervix into the uterus.

Step 4: Use gentle suction to pull the contents out.

During the procedure, the patient will be sedated and will not feel any discomfort or pain. Immediately after your procedure, your doctor will check your uterus to ensure it is completely empty. After the procedure, when the sedation wears off, you may feel a bit of cramping, but this will typically resolve after 1-2 hours. You will then be moved to a recovery area to rest.

What Should I Expect After the Procedure?

Taking it easy on the day of the abortion is crucial. While some individuals may resume their normal activities (except for heavy lifting) the following day, others may require additional time to recover. It is common to experience menstrual-like cramps for a few days after the procedure.

Bleeding is common after an abortion. Some may notice heavier bleeding, including the presence of blood clots, similar to a regular period, while others may experience spotting for several days or weeks.

If the patient experiences heavy bleeding — bleeding that soaks through two sanitary pads or more per hour — it is recommended to get in touch with the abortion clinic immediately.


The doctor will prescribe antibiotics and over-the-counter (OTC) medicine as deemed necessary to ensure a complication-free recovery. The clinic will also share important instructions to follow through and will schedule a follow-up visit to ensure that the patient has recovered well.


  • It is recommended that patients wait at least two weeks before resuming sexual intercourse.
  • It is recommended that a reliable method of contraception be adopted to avoid future unwanted pregnancies.


Risks and Complications

It is important to note that surgical abortion, like any medical procedure, carries some risks. These can include bleeding, infection, cervical tears or lacerations, and retained pregnancy tissues.

These risks are minimal when an experienced and certified doctor performs the procedure in a safe, hygienic and certified abortion clinic.

Surgical Abortion at Seng’s OG Practice

Surgical abortion is one of the safest methods to end an unwanted pregnancy in Singapore. By finding the right clinic with qualified medical practitioners, you can ensure that you receive the best care before, during, and after your surgical abortion. As a MOH-approved abortion clinic, at Seng’s OG, we always prioritise our patients’ privacy and emotional and physical well-being throughout the process. Call us today, and we will walk with you every step of the way.


If you suddenly find out that you are unable to carry your pregnancy to full term owing to medical reasons that may put your life at risk, or if you find yourself pregnant at a time when you are not willing to embrace parenthood, you may experience a variety of mixed emotions. Any of these reasons may require that you consider abortion as the best option for you. Having an abortion is a big decision, and aftercare is equally important. Therefore, it is important that you get in touch with a reputed Singapore abortion clinic such as Seng’s OG Clinic, which can guide you through the entire process carefully. This article will discuss more about abortion and the importance of prioritizing self-care throughout the recovery period.

Abortion and Recovery: What to Expect

Whether you opt for a medical or surgical abortion, you need to pay close attention to the aftercare, recovery, and any concerning symptoms that may follow. After the initial evaluation of your suitability for an abortion, your medical practitioner at the selected Singapore clinic will schedule another appointment to carry out the procedure. Abortions are performed as OPD procedures, and therefore it is advised that you are accompanied by a close friend or family member who can take you home. Once home, it is absolutely necessary that you make every effort to follow all medical guidelines given by your medical practitioner at the Singapore abortion clinic.

Guidelines to Follow

1. Follow Medical Advice Closely

Until you are completely healed, you are at a higher risk of infection. As such, antibiotics are routinely recommended after any abortion. Furthermore, your doctor may also prescribe a medicine to shrink your uterus back to its normal size. Ensure that you take the prescribed dosage only.

2. Rest As Needed

The physical and mental changes that follow an abortion can often leave you fatigued. Rest as much as you can in the first couple of days following an abortion, enabling your body to heal. Avoid strenuous physical activities such as lifting heavy objects or even low intensity cardio exercises such as jogging for up to a week following your surgery.

3. Avoid Using Tampons

It is recommended that you refrain from using tampons for about a month following an abortion. Use sanitary pads to absorb any bleeding or discharge, and make sure to change them every four hours.

4. Abstain from Sexual Intercourse

Right after an abortion, your cervix and uterus remain in a vulnerable state and are susceptible to infection. Therefore, allow things to heal. It is recommended that you refrain from having sexual relations for two weeks after an abortion or until the bleeding completely stops. You may need to wait longer if your abortion causes any further complications.

5. Use Contraception

It is possible to ovulate soon after an abortion. So, you need to take the right precautions to make sure you don’t get pregnant again right away. Talk to your doctor at your Singapore clinic to find out which method of birth control will work best for you.

6. Acknowledge Your Feelings

It is normal to feel a variety of emotions as a result of the decision you made and the hormonal changes that occur following an abortion. Many patients experience relief, but they may also experience emotions of loss or guilt. Allow yourself to process your emotions, and don’t be afraid to seek help from friends and family.

7. Don’t Miss Your Follow-Up Appointments

It is important for your doctor to assess your health and ensure that your body is properly recovering. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your physical or emotional health, please reach out to your Singapore abortion clinic, and they will be able to help you.

Also, get in touch with your abortion clinic or doctor right away if you have any of the following complications after an abortion.

  • Heavy bleeding
  • Temperature over 100 degrees.
  • Severe abdominal pain that doesn’t settle with painkillers
  • Vomiting that lasts more than 4 hours.
  • Sudden abdominal swelling or rapid heart rate.
  • Vaginal discharge that has increased in amount or smells bad.
  • Pain, redness or swelling in the genital area.

Singapore Abortion Clinic: Seng’s OG Clinic

If you find yourself unexpectedly pregnant and unsure of what to do next, reach out to us, and our skilled medical specialists will carefully listen to your concerns, offer advice as needed, and help you make an informed decision about your body and future.

Seng’s OG Practice is dedicated to providing safe and effective medical and surgical abortions in Singapore. We make sure to share accurate information on abortion with all our patients. Our compassionate and caring team of professionals will ensure utmost confidentiality while you navigate this difficult decision. If you decide that having an abortion is the best option for you or if you are compelled to do so fro medical reasons, our competent professionals will provide you with the necessary mental, emotional, and medical attention in a safe and well-equipped Singapore abortion clinic. Contact our compassionate and skilled team of professionals for all abortion-related queries, and we will be happy to help you.


An abortion is a procedure for terminating a pregnancy. Irrespective of the reasons behind an individual’s decision to go ahead with an elective abortion, it is important that one seeks professional help and a thorough medical consultation at a government-approved abortion clinic in Singapore prior to the procedure. This article will further discuss the options available to patients considering abortion in Singapore, the risks involved and how an experienced obstetrician and gynaecologist can help you navigate through your elective abortion safely.

How is an Abortion Performed: What to Expect?

An abortion can be carried out in two ways, and your medical practitioner will have a mandatory counseling session with you during your first visit to an MoH-approved abortion clinic in Singapore. Your doctor will assess your health conditions and discuss how the treatments are carried out, as well as the risks and benefits of each. It may be required that you visit the clinic at least twice: once for counseling, evaluation, examination, and medications; and another to confirm that the abortion was successful.

Medical Abortion

It is also known as the “pill abortion” because it uses a combination of medications to end a pregnancy. If you are within the first 9 weeks of your pregnancy, this is a viable method. First, you will take mifepristone orally, typically in your doctor’s office. Then, you will be given misoprostol to administer vaginally at home.

Surgical Abortion

A medical practitioner will use gentle suction to empty your uterus and this procedure is done at an approved abortion clinic or hospital. Depending on your gestational age, you will undergo one of the two surgical abortion procedures. For pregnancies up to 12-14 weeks, your doctor will use suction and aspiration to remove the embryo or fetus through your vagina. If you are 12 weeks or more pregnant, they will likely need to do dilation and evacuation to remove the tissues thoroughly.

Will Elective Abortion Cause Infertility?

There is a lot of misinformation and misunderstanding about elective abortion. There are socially and culturally based myths as well as medical fallacies such as abortions being painful for the fetus, putting the patient in a high-risk category for breast cancer, or being psychologically detrimental to the patient. The majority of patients considering elective abortion are frequently worried about one concern: if having an elective abortion will affect their future fertility or ability to bear offspring.

And the straightforward answer is that abortion seldom causes infertility.

If carried out under proper medical guidance and supervision, having an abortion won’t impair your ability to get pregnant and have healthy pregnancies in future. However, it must be noted that, as with any medical procedure, there are certain risks associated with abortion too.
Following an abortion, the majority of females will experience some of the following common side effects. These symptoms usually go away after a week or two, but they may also last longer.

  • Bleeding and cramping that lasts an average of 14–21 days
  • Dizziness or drowsiness
  • Nausea/Vomiting

More complicated side effects, such as the ones below, require immediate medical attention.

  • Heavy bleeding — soaking two or more pads an hour for two hours.
  • Severe abdominal or back pain.
  • Fever lasting more than 24 hours.
  • Foul-smelling vaginal discharge.

Elective Abortion, Associated Risks, and Future Infertility

Although, complications during an abortion are infrequent, the risk increases as the pregnancy advances. The following two complications, if left unresolved, can have an adverse effect on your future fertility.


Infection is a concern with every procedure, even abortion surgery. Following an abortion, an infection can spread throughout the pelvis and reproductive organs, causing abdominal or pelvic pain and fever. However, this is completely treatable with medication. If left untreated, there is a slight chance that it could result in pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which may increase your chances of having an ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary that you select a reputed clinic with an equally caring and responsible medical staff when you consider abortion in Singapore.

Asherman’s Syndrome

Asherman’s syndrome is an uncommon illness characterized by the formation of scar tissue, also known as adhesions or intrauterine adhesions, within the uterus. In a study conducted and published by the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research, repeated abortions were identified as one of the main risk factors for Asherman’s Syndrome. Hence, it is necessary that when you opt for elective surgical abortion, you consult a reputed abortion clinic in Singapore. They will ensure that no damage or scarring is done to your cervix or the uterine wall thereby preserving your chance of embracing motherhood whenever you are ready to build a family.

Seng’s OG Practice: Abortion Clinic Singapore

With over 20 years of trusted medical excellence, our obstetrician and gynecologist, Dr. Seng, is able to support you throughout this challenging process of elective abortion. As an MoH-approved abortion clinic in Singapore, at Seng’s OG Practice, we ensure maximum patient privacy, confidentiality, safety, and comfort. Our in-house counsellors are able to walk you through the full process of abortion and help you make well-informed decisions. When you choose Seng’s OG Practice, we make sure that you get all the support you deserve emotionally, mentally, and medically. Contact us today to schedule a private consultation.


For women in their first trimester of pregnancy, a medical abortion provides an alternative to surgical abortion. Medical abortion is a low-risk, non-invasive method of ending a pregnancy and is nearly 100% successful at terminating an unwanted pregnancy. Around 2% to 5% of women who have a medical abortion will require additional treatment to complete the abortion. Medical abortion in Singapore involves the use of two drugs, mifepristone, and misoprostol, to terminate a pregnancy. Read on to find out more about the procedure, aftercare, and how to select a government-approved abortion clinic in Singapore.

Medical Abortion in Singapore: The Procedure

A medical abortion uses medication to end a pregnancy and does not involve anesthesia or surgery. It is one of the safest methods available to end your pregnancy up to 9 weeks of gestation and can be done as soon as you find out you are pregnant.

What To Expect Before, During, and After a Medical Abortion?

Your healthcare provider will carry out blood and urine tests and an ultrasound scan to confirm you are pregnant and to determine how far you are in your pregnancy. The clinic will also evaluate your medical history and overall health before an abortion procedure.

The process generally involves taking two medically prescribed drugs, mifepristone, and misoprostol, within a 48-hour time period. Mifepristone functions by inhibiting progesterone. A pregnancy cannot continue to grow in the uterus without progesterone. Without progesterone, the uterine lining will begin to thin and the embryo will detach from the uterine wall. Misoprostol induces cramping and bleeding to facilitate uterine evacuation.

The 2 most common medical abortions in Singapore are,

Oral mifepristone and misoprostol: you will take mifepristone first and then follow up with misoprostol 24 to 48 hours later at home. The drugs can be administered at the medical practitioner’s clinic or at home.

Oral mifepristone and vaginal, buccal, or sublingual misoprostol: The same medications as in the previous approach are used in this procedure, but a slowly dissolving misoprostol pill is placed in your vagina (vaginal route), in your mouth between your teeth and cheek (buccal route), or under your tongue (sublingual route).

The vaginal, buccal, or sublingual route is less likely to cause side effects and may be more effective. The drugs can be administered at the medical practitioner’s clinic or at home.

Other medical abortions,

Vaginal misoprostol alone: This could only be effective if used before 9 weeks of gestation. When compared with the other routes, this is the least effective.


Within the first 24-48 hours of administering medication, you will experience bleeding and cramping. It is important that you be prepared to stay at home and rest well to minimize complications and facilitate the recovery process better. It’s normal to experience more bleeding for one to two days. Over the course of two to three weeks, bleeding will gradually begin to stop.

To limit the risk of infection, it is advised that you avoid sexual activity and the use of tampons for two weeks after an abortion.

Possible Side Effects and Complications

Vaginal bleeding and cramping are the most common side effects of medical abortion. Other side effects could include the following but will clear within 24 hours.

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Headache

The following symptoms require immediate medical attention:

  • Heavy bleeding: soaking more than 2 thick pads per hour
  • Severe abdominal or back pain
  • High fever that lasts more than 24 hours
  • Foul-smelling vaginal discharge

Follow-up and Self-Care After a Medical Abortion

After a medical abortion, you will require a follow-up appointment with your doctor to perform a pelvic examination, and assess your uterine size, bleeding, and symptoms of infection.

Recovery and Emotional Support

The time it takes to recover from a medical abortion varies. You may be able to resume normal activities within a day or two in some circumstances. Avoid any actions that cause you discomfort. You will most likely experience a range of feelings, including relief, grief, worry, and guilt. These are common and anticipated feelings. It may be beneficial to discuss your feelings with a mental health professional, such as a counselor or therapist. Your healthcare practitioner may be able to refer you to mental health professionals who can assist you.

Selecting An Abortion Clinic in Singapore

The decision to have a medical abortion is highly personal. Therefore, it is essential that you select an abortion clinic that can give you the maximum privacy, support, and understanding you deserve during this difficult decision. Seng’s clinic with their expert medical professionals can guide you through this process and make sure you know what to expect before, during, and after the procedure. Contact us, and our healthcare team will make sure you are comfortable throughout the procedure and receive the best medical and emotional support you need.


When you unexpectedly discover that you are pregnant, you may experience a mix of emotions. And if you decide that an abortion is the right choice for you, it is common to worry about what will happen next.

Abortion is a significant decision. If you are considering the termination of your pregnancy in Singapore, there are some crucial factors you need to take into account. Let us walk you through some of these aspects, from the legal framework to the accessibility of qualified practitioners and clinics, and the abortion clinic cost in Singapore.

What is the Process of Termination of Pregnancy in Singapore?

1. What is Pregnancy Termination?

Termination of pregnancy, also known as abortion, is a medical procedure followed to end a pregnancy. This process uses oral medication or surgery to remove the embryo and placenta from the uterus. All procedures done in an MOH-approved clinic under the supervision of a trained medical professional are considered safe and effective.

2. Legal Framework for Termination of Pregnancy in Singapore

There is no set minimum or maximum age for termination of pregnancy in Singapore, and there is no legal necessity for minors to obtain parental consent (under 16). However, after 24 weeks (6 months) of gestation, abortion is illegal unless it is determined that carrying the pregnancy to full term may put the mother’s life at risk. Generally, the pregnancy duration is calculated from the first day of the last normal menstrual cycle.

Foreigners can get an abortion in Singapore if they meet one of the following four conditions:

  • Been a resident of Singapore for at least four months
  • PR holders/Citizens or married to a Singapore citizen
  • Married to a work permit holder (not a temporary work permit) or has an employment pass
  • Medical determination by a registered practitioner that an abortion is necessary to save the life of the pregnant mother

3. The Procedure

The first step in getting an abortion is to talk to your family doctor or a gynecologist.

STEP 1: Counselling

All patients seeking abortions are required to receive counselling before the procedure. After your consultation, your physician will refer you to a counselling organisation.

Girls under the age of 16 are required to obtain guidance from the Health Promotion Board Counselling Centre (except for rape victims). Before pregnancy termination procedures can be conducted on mentally challenged patients, a psychiatrist must certify that continuing the pregnancy will be unfavourable for the mother’s health.

Non-Singaporean women, women with three or more children, and women who did not pass the PSLE (Primary School Leaving Exam) and had little to no secondary education were not required to get pre-abortion counselling prior to April 17, 2015. However, current legislation requires that all patients have access to pre-abortion counselling.

STEP 2: Waiting Time

There is a 48-hour waiting time following the counselling session before the treatment can be performed.

STEP 3: Document Requirement

Patients who choose to terminate a pregnancy must sign a declaration stating their marital status, educational level, and the number of living children. The Ministry of Health keeps a record of all pregnancy termination treatments, including the patient’s name, date of procedure, and type of termination.

4. Types of Abortion

It is always better to take your pregnancy termination decision early. The more advanced your gestation period is, the more complex it becomes. If your pregnancy has advanced past 24 weeks, an abortion is not permitted. Most doctors would not perform an abortion after 23 weeks, so making a decision sooner is preferable.

Medical Abortion: is a method of terminating a pregnancy that requires the use of drugs. It’s a safe and effective way to end pregnancies that are less than 9 weeks long.

Surgical Abortion in the First Trimester (upto 12 weeks): A vacuum aspiration is the ideal approach if the pregnancy is more than 9 weeks old. Currently, all surgical termination procedures are performed under intravenous sedation to make the process more comfortable and tolerable for patients . After sedation , the cervix is first gently dilated, then a small tube connected to a hand-held syringe or a suction machine is inserted into your uterus to remove its contents. It may take several minutes to complete the procedure.

Surgical Abortion in the Second Trimester (14 to 24 weeks): Although doctors can do vacuum aspirations until around 14 weeks, dilation and evacuation, or D&E, is the most common type of second-trimester abortion. Medicine is administered into the vaginal canal to encourage natural expulsion of the pregnancy. The womb is cleaned via vacuum aspiration after the foetus and placenta are aborted.

In the case of a fatal fetal abnormality, one may be permitted to perform a surgical abortion beyond 24 weeks. This requires special approval from the authorities before the procedure can be carried out.

  • After care: Patients are usually requested to visit the clinic two weeks later for a follow up consultation and are also referred to post-abortion counselling. Doctors may urge you not to have sex for up to two weeks after your procedure due to danger of infection.

5. Abortion Clinic Cost in Singapore

An abortion can cost anywhere from $800 to $5,000, depending on whether it is conducted in a government hospital, a private hospital, or a private clinic. Patients in Singapore can pay for the pregnancy termination procedure with their MediSave accounts.

Finding the Right Clinic

Abortion clinics vary according to where you live and how they operate. Therefore, it is critical to select one that will provide you with the safe, compassionate, and high-quality care you require prior to, during, and following your procedure. As a Ministry of Health (MOH) approved abortion clinic in Singapore, at Seng’s OG, we ensure that our patient’s privacy and emotional and physical well being are prioritized throughout the process.

© 2021 Copyright By Seng OG

*The duration of the pregnancy is calculated from the first day of the last normal menstruation of the pregnant woman to the end of the 24th week.