Your safety is our top priority

Seng’s OG is a MOH-approved abortion clinic in Singapore. Our doctor, Dr Seng is a trusted obstetrician & gynaecologist with over 15 years of working experience. He is dedicated to providing comprehensive, quality care and service to all his patients, with a proven track record.



Confidentiality is a concern for many women. We understand this and keep your details private and confidential.


Quality Care and Service

At our clinic, our medical doctor and counsellor will go through all your available options with you. Our professional staff is dedicated to providing you with safe and high-quality medical services that suit your needs.

We understand that abortion is not an easy decision. We trust each woman to make the choice that is best for her and her unique situation. We are available to support you through your physical and emotional recovery, before and after the abortion.


Abortion Process in Singapore


Our doctor will review your stage of pregnancy, medical history, previous pregnancies and use of contraception. The abortion procedure and its possible risks are explained along with the different methods of contraception.


All patients are required by law to go through mandatory pre-abortion counselling before the procedure. There is a subsequent waiting period of 48 hours before you can return back to terminate your pregnancy.

Girls under 16 years of age have to undergo mandatory counselling at the Health Promotion Board. They will be issued a Certificate of Attendance (COA) after the session. The COA is necessary before we can legally perform the abortion.

Abortion Process

Abortion is carried out either by medical abortion (up to 9 weeks* of pregnancy) or surgical abortion (8 to 12 weeks* of pregnancy). The entire procedure usually takes about 90 minutes.

If you decide to have an abortion, you’ll need to sign a consent form before the procedure.

All patients choosing to terminate a pregnancy are also required by law to sign a declaration of marital status, educational level, and the number of living children. The Ministry of Health in Singapore maintains a register of all abortion procedures that records the patient’s name, date of procedure, and method of termination.

Post-Abortion Follow-Up Appointments

You’ll need to return for a review appointment two weeks after the abortion. There will also be mandatory post-abortion counselling. We understand that choosing to undergo an abortion is not an easy decision. We are always available to support you through your physical and emotional recovery.

Medical Abortion

prenant woman belly, abortion clinic singapore

Medical Abortion

Medical abortion is performed on women who are up to 9 weeks* pregnant. It is a procedure that uses medication to end an unwanted pregnancy and does not require surgery, anaesthesia or hospitalisation.

The abortion pills used for medical abortion are approved for use in Singapore. The first medicine, Mifepristone, ends the pregnancy by blocking the hormone, progesterone. Without progesterone, the lining of the uterus breaks down and the pregnancy cannot continue.

The second medicine, Misoprostol, makes the womb contract, causing cramping, bleeding and the loss of pregnancy, similar to a miscarriage.

Before the Medical Abortion

You need to undergo Abortion Counselling and have a 48-hour waiting period before going for the abortion, according to the Termination of Pregnancy Regulations.

Your pregnancy should be less than 63 days after the first day of the last menstrual period (9 weeks’ gestation). You must adhere strictly to the clinic’s protocol to prevent failure or complications.

Arrange to have someone with you at home as the abortion timings vary for individuals. Most women pass the pregnancy within 4 hours.

two women talking, abortion clinic singapore
pills, abortion clinic singapore

The Medical Abortion Procedure

For pregnancies up to 9 weeks’ gestation, patients will take the first medicine Mifepristone in the clinic. The second medicine, Misoprostol, is taken either at home or in the clinic 2 days later.

Misoprostol (the second medication) tablets are placed in the vagina or between the cheek and gum. After 1 to 2 hours, you’ll experience strong, painful cramps and heavy bleeding. Bleeding and pain are often the greatest when the pregnancy is being expelled. You’ll be given painkillers to help you manage the pain.

Most women pass the pregnancy within 4 hours – timings vary for individuals. Almost all women miscarry within a few days.

In case of emergencies or if you did not bleed within 24 hours of taking Misoprostol, contact the clinic for advice.

After the Medical Abortion

You’ll be given some antibiotics to take, pain medicine with instructions and advice on how to care for yourself. Use sanitary towels to monitor your bleeding during early medical/abortion pill treatment.

You will experience the following symptoms:

  • Nausea or vomiting after taking Mifepristone: If you vomit within 1 hour of taking it, you may need to take the pill again. If you think you may have miscarried between taking the mifepristone and misoprostol, contact the clinic.

  • Heavy bleeding: Once the pregnancy passes, the amount of bleeding and cramping should noticeably reduce and you’ll experience light bleeding for about two weeks, even up to your next period.

  • Large blood clots and pregnancy tissue: The blood clots may be as big as a lemon. For pregnancy under 8 weeks*, the white and fluffy pregnancy sac with brown-red tissue may be visible. The pregnancy tissue is larger and more recognisable at higher gestations.

  • Occasional cramping: Cramping will happen for about a week. This is easily managed with mild painkillers.

  • Fetus shape: A 9-week fetus is about the size of an olive and you may recognise its shape. If you are worried about what you may see when the abortion happens, please discuss this with the clinic.

Seek medical attention if you have the following symptoms:

  • Unpleasant vaginal discharge

  • High temperature

  • Lower abdominal pain

  • Excessive bleeding beyond three weeks

  • A delayed period beyond eight weeks

  • A short episode of pain with a gush of blood or a clot several weeks after the abortion

We understand that abortion is not an easy procedure. We are always available to support you through your physical and emotional recovery.

woman sleeping

Surgical Abortion

holding hands, abortion clinic singapore

Surgical Abortion

Surgical abortion is performed on women who are in their first trimester (8-12 weeks*) or second trimester (12 to 24 weeks*). The standard procedure is vacuum aspiration or suction curettage (D&C). There are no incisions or stitches.

First trimester surgical abortion is an outpatient procedure and there is no need for hospitalisation. Second trimester surgical abortion is more complicated. It is a combination of medical and surgical procedures and hospitalisation is required.

Before the Surgical Abortion

You need to undergo Abortion Counselling and have a 48-hour waiting period before going for the abortion, according to the Termination of Pregnancy Regulations.

You must fast six hours before the abortion. This reduces the risk of food content in the stomach from regurgitating into the lung passages.

Arrange to come with a friend who can accompany you home.

doctor's hands with gloves, abortion clinic singapore
hands in surgery, abortion clinic singapore

How the Surgical Abortion Works

Both first and second trimester surgical abortions are done under sedation.

An instrument is used to dilate (widen) the cervix opening. The pregnancy tissue is removed from the uterus lining using a curette/vacuum aspiration, medication, or both, depending on the stage of pregnancy.

The abortion procedure usually takes about 15 minutes for first trimester surgical abortion.

After the Surgical Abortion

Right after the procedure, you might feel drowsy, experience nausea and/or lower abdominal cramps. These symptoms are temporary and will disappear after an hour.

For the next three weeks, you will experience bleeding from the womb, similar to a heavy menstrual flow. You will get your next period after six weeks.

Avoid sexual intercourse for three weeks after the procedure to minimise the chance of pelvic infection.

Seek medical attention if you have the following symptoms:

  • Unpleasant vaginal discharge

  • High temperature

  • Lower abdominal pain

  • Excessive bleeding beyond three weeks

  • A delayed period beyond eight weeks

  • A short episode of pain with a gush of blood or a clot several weeks after the abortion

We understand that abortion is not an easy procedure. We are always available to support you through your physical and emotional recovery.

holding hands, abortion singapore

© 2021 Copyright By Seng OG

*The duration of the pregnancy is calculated from the first day of the last normal menstruation of the pregnant woman to the end of the 24th week.