Abortion Frequently Asked Questions

This page provides some Frequently Asked Questions about abortion if you’re thinking of terminating an unwanted pregnancy.

I’m considering getting an abortion

  • Is abortion legal in Singapore?
  • At what age can I get an abortion in Singapore?
  • Is having an abortion confidential?
Is abortion legal in Singapore?

Abortion is legal up to 24 weeks (6 months)* of pregnancy in Singapore.  After 24 weeks* of pregnancy, you can only get an abortion if your life is at risk, or if your fetus has a severe abnormality.

At what age can I get an abortion in Singapore?

There is no minimum or maximum age for an abortion procedure in Singapore.

But girls under 16 years of age have to undergo mandatory counselling at the Health Promotion Board. They will be issued a Certificate of Attendance (COA) after the session. The COA is necessary before we can legally perform the abortion.

Is having an abortion confidential?

Confidentiality is a concern for many women. We understand this and keep your details private and confidential.

Note: All patients choosing to terminate a pregnancy are also required by law to sign a declaration of marital status, educational level, and the number of living children. The Ministry of Health in Singapore maintains a register of all treatments to terminate the pregnancy that records the patient’s name, date of procedure, and method of termination.

I decided to get an abortion

  • Which abortion method has the least risks and complications?
  • What is the abortion process?
  • How much does an abortion cost?
  • At which stage of pregnancy can I get an abortion?
  • Can foreigners undergo an abortion in Singapore?
  • Any subsidies for abortion in Singapore?
  • Do I need to be hospitalised to undergo an abortion?
Which abortion method has the least risks and complications?

Abortion is carried out either by abortion pills or surgical termination. This depends on the individual and stage of pregnancy. It is generally better to decide early whether you wish to undergo an abortion. More abortion methods are available if an earlier decision is made.

Also, abortion is only legal up to 24 weeks (6 months)* of pregnancy in Singapore.

Having an abortion is generally very safe and will not affect your chances of getting pregnant in future.

What is the abortion process?

Kindly refer to our abortion process guide here.

How much does an abortion cost?

The costs may vary as the abortion method depends on the individual and stage of pregnancy. Do arrange for a consultation at (65) 6472 7988 so we can better advise you.

At which stage of pregnancy can I get an abortion?

You need to be less than 24 weeks (6 months)* pregnant to be able to undergo termination of pregnancy in Singapore.

After 24 weeks* of pregnancy, you can only get an abortion if your life is at risk, or if your fetus has a severe abnormality. This has to be performed in a public hospital.

Can foreigners undergo an abortion in Singapore?

Foreigners are able to undergo an abortion in Singapore if they meet one of the four conditions below:

  • Married to a Singapore citizen, Permanent Resident, or a work permit/employment pass holder
  • Holder of a work permit/employment pass
  • Stayed in Singapore for at least 4 months
  • Abortion is necessary to save the life of a pregnant woman
Any subsidies for abortion in Singapore?

Singaporeans and Permanent Residents (PRs) can claim MediSave for a surgical abortion, up to $900.

Do I need to be hospitalised to undergo an abortion?

Medical abortion and first trimester surgical abortion is an outpatient procedure and there is no need for hospitalisation.

Second trimester surgical abortion is more complicated and hospitalisation is required.

After 24 weeks* of pregnancy, you can only get an abortion in a public hospital and only if your life is at risk or if your fetus has a severe abnormality.

What can I expect after the abortion?

  • What are the abortion complications?
  • What to do after an abortion?
What are the abortion complications?

Like any other surgical procedure, abortion has potential complications. At Seng’s OG Practice, we want to make this procedure as safe and painless as possible for you. Nonetheless, it is important to know the signs of abortion complications so you can seek out appropriate medical help when necessary.

  1. Heavy and Prolonged Bleeding

Vaginal bleeding is common after an abortion, up to three weeks. Any excessive bleeding beyond the three weeks is not normal. It may be a sign of incomplete removal of pregnancy or infection.

This heavy and prolonged bleeding only happens in less than 1% of patients. The patient will need to undergo an emergency surgical procedure (curettage) to stop the excessive bleeding.

  1. Incomplete Removal of Pregnancy

Excessive bleeding beyond  three weeks is a sign of incomplete removal of pregnancy, which may require surgical evacuation if some of the products of pregnancy are left behind in the womb. This only happens in about 5-10% of patients. We also routinely use ultrasound scans during the procedure to minimise this risk.

  1. Infection

The following are signs of infection:

  • Unpleasant vaginal discharge
  • High temperature
  • Lower abdominal pain
  • Excessive bleeding beyond three weeks

Infection happens in less than 5% of patients. Serious cases of toxic and septic shock have rarely been reported. We will prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection.

  1. Injury to the womb

In surgical abortions, the neck of the womb (cervix) is dilated to allow the medical instrument to enter.

Inadequate dilation of the cervix may lead to a higher risk of the womb being injured. On the other hand, excessive dilation of the cervix may lead to problems of infertility and repeated miscarriages in future.

We use ultrasonography to better visualise the entire procedure, minimising the risks.

What to do after an abortion?

We understand that abortion is not an easy procedure. We are always available to support you through your physical and emotional recovery.

It is best to avoid sexual intercourse for three weeks after the procedure to minimise the chance of pelvic infection.

Seek medical attention if you have the following symptoms:

  • Unpleasant vaginal discharge
  • High temperature
  • Lower abdominal pain
  • Excessive bleeding beyond three weeks
  • A delayed period beyond eight weeks

For more information, you can find the Guidelines on Termination of Pregnancy (TOP) here.

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*The duration of the pregnancy is calculated from the first day of the last normal menstruation of the pregnant woman to the end of the 24th week.